Consistently thinking ahead

Sustainable planning, reducing energy demand, saving resources

The construction of buildings and roads seals surfaces and consumes a lot of energy and materials. The Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy states that the housing sector accounts for almost 40 percent of the energy consumption in Germany. The consumption of resources in the construction industry is almost as high. Buildings also account for about 50 percent of waste that is generated in Germany. Thus, sustainability has a high value in the construction sector. Sustainable construction means building intelligently: the focus is laid on a comprehensive quality concept that serves both the construction and real estate industries as well as our society.

Sustainable properties are environmentally friendly, resource-saving, comfortable and healthy for their users, and fit optimally into their socio-cultural environment. In the same way they stand for economic efficiency and long-term value retention. Sustainable buildings convince with their low costs for operation and maintenance costs. The manageable additional costs for design and construction usually amortise within a few years. This is why we at iproplan® take sustainability into account already in the early phase of planning. We are planning buildings over their entire lifecycle – long before they are even taking shape. Costs, environmental impact, resource-saving, user-friendly and aesthetic designs have to be optimally harmonised. We as general planners develop tailor-made concepts for this purpose.

iproplan® services in the area of energy efficiency / sustainability:

Sustainability certifications

  • BNB / DGNB (National standard for sustainable building / German Association for Sustainable Building)
    • Certifications and services for certification according to BNB and DGNB certification system
    • Certification of urban districts
  • LEED
    • Certifications and individual services for the certification, such as daylight modelling, energy performance rating (Whole-Building Energy Simulation according to ASHRAE 90.1), life cycle assessment, thermal comfort, acoustic performance and others

Technical concepts and certificates:

  • Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
  • Calculation of Life Cycle Costs (LCC)
  • Thermal building simulations in summer and winter time
  • Daylight simulations
  • Operation concepts
  • Conceptual evaluation of building demolition, separation of construction components and recycling of construction materials
  • Evaluation of the built-in building materials according to the requirements of the fact sheet “Risiken für die lokale Umwelt“ (Risks for the local environment)
  • Concept preparation to reduce demand on drinking water and waste water volumes


Dr. Saad Baradiy


+49 371 52 65 506


Danny Kroll


+49 371 52 65 295