Construction projects belong into experienced hands

Leading projects to success with purpose

In order to implement complex construction projects successfully, comprehensive know-how is needed in technical, organizational and economical terms. The multitude of tasks as well as high quality standards for planning and implementation often require specific and reasonable support to the Client. A professional project management can be the major interface in this situation. On behalf of the Client, iproplan® assumes all desired coordination and management tasks in order to implement a project successfully.

Project management is manifold: it reaches from consequent contract management over to a gapless cost and schedule management and does not even end with continuous coordination with all involved project participants.

Right from the beginning, we guide upon request all processes and ensure that the Client will come to qualified decisions without any loss of time- from the planning over the implementation up to the completion. Extensive experience proves us to be a reliable partner: together we take every construction project to the finish. Responsibly and safely.

iproplan® scope of services relevant to project management:

  • Project preparation
  • Planning
  • Preparation of execution
  • Execution / implementation
  • Project completion
  • Client representation
  • Trouble shooting


Brian Fassler


+49 371 52 65 323